Database Configuration Step


The database configuration step is used to configure the connection to the database.                     
Data Migrator provides multiple methods for configuring database connections:

  • Basic properties: Allows direct specification of connection details in the configuration file.
  • AWS Secret Manager: Enables secure retrieval of database credentials from AWS Secret Manager.
  • Database connection URL: Enables database access through a user-defined connection URL.

These options provide flexibility in how you configure and secure your database connections, allowing you to choose the method that best fits your infrastructure and security requirements.


Global properties

Property nameDescriptionValuesDefault valueMandatory
dataBaseNameThe name of database                      
This property can be stored in AWS secret manager, see dataBaseAWSSecretName property
dataBaseUserThe user used to connect to the database                      
This property can be stored in AWS secret manager, see dataBaseAWSSecretName property
dataBasePasswordThe password used to connect to the database                      
This property can be stored in AWS secret manager, see dataBaseAWSSecretName property
dataBaseHostDNS name or IP address of the database   
This property can be stored in AWS secret manager, see dataBaseAWSSecretName property   
[DOCKER] To use this property see DNS name or IP address in Docker
dataBasePortThe listener port   
This property can be stored in AWS secret manager, see dataBaseAWSSecretName property
databaseTypeThe target database typePOSTGRE                      
dataBaseAdditionalArgsEnable to add connection properties to url.                      
Example: add "?ssl=true" => jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/aeat?ssl=true

Path of the database driver folder. It can be absolute or relative path. Only one driver need to be in this location

[DOCKER] To use this property see path in Docker

StringSee use default value.No

AWS Secret Manager stores the database connection details like host, port, user, password, etc., It's to avoid stealing sensitive informations.

Data Migrator use this property to refer to Secret Name of the AWS Secret Manager, retrieve database information and establish DB connection.

If this property is specified along with other properties (dataBaseHost, dataBasePort, dataBaseName, dataBaseUser, dataBasePassword, dataBaseServiceName) then databaseSecretName information will replace the data directly mentioned in the ini or property file.

Refer FAQ to know how to add a customised field (ex: Oracle Service Name) for a database and use it in the Data Migrator

dataBaseAWSRegionAWS Region where the database information like host, port, user, password, etc., are stored in the Secret NameStringeu-west-3No

This property can be used to provide the connection string for the database.

If the dataBaseUser and dataBasePassword properties are defined in the configuration files with dataBaseCustomConnectionUrl, the values taken into account for username and password are those defined in the configuration file.

If you wish to use only dataBaseCustomConnectionUrl for login, you must remove the dataBaseUser and dataBasePassword properties from the configuration files.

[POSTGRES] In case we use the property stepDatabaseKillDropCreate=true, we must keep both properties databaseName and dataBaseUser in the configuration files or AWS Secret Manager.

This property can be stored in AWS secret manager with the value dbcustomconnectionurl as key , see dataBaseAWSSecretName property


PostgreSQL properties

Property nameDescriptionValuesDefault valueMandatory
adminDataBaseNameThe name of database to createStringNoneNo
adminDataBaseUserThe super user ownerStringNoneNo
adminDataBasePasswordThe password of super user ownerStringNoneNo

This property can be used to provide the connection string for the database.

This property can be stored in the AWS Secrets Manager with the value admindbcustomconnectionurl as key, see the dataBaseAWSSecretName property

stepDatabaseKillDropCreateThis property can be used to drop old database and create a new one during migration.true/falsetrueNo
stepDatabaseCreateScriptPathThis optional property helps to create a database with custom script. It's value can be relative or absolute path of the SQL file. More information is in this FAQStringNoneNo

Oracle properties

Property nameDescriptionValuesDefault valueMandatory
dataBaseServiceNameThe service name of database to create                 
This property can be stored in AWS secret manager, see dataBaseAWSSecretName property
customSqlldrUserIdThis optional property can be used to provide the USERID for SQLLDR.                
This property can be stored in AWS secret manager with the value customSqlldrUserId as key, see the dataBaseAWSSecretName property                
This property becomes mandatory, if the dataBaseUser and dataBasePassword properties are not defined in the configuration files and the dataBaseCustomConnectionUrl is used to connect to a database.


PostgreSQL connection using properties

The following settings illustrate how to configure a PostgreSQL database connection using properties:

[Database - cnxPostgreSQL]

This configuration section defines:

  • Administrative database name and superuser credentials for drop and create operations
  • Database server is located on localhost and uses port 1521
  • Database user is set to userTest
  • Database password is set to passwordTest
  • Option to drop and recreate the database

Oracle connection using properties

The following settings illustrate how to configure Oracle database connection using properties

[Database - cnxOracle]

This configuration section defines:

  • Database type is set to ORACLE
  • Database server is located on localhost and uses port 1521
  • Target database name is specified as DatabaseTest
  • Database user credentials have username set to userTest, and password set to passwordTest
  • Oracle database driver path is located at ../drivers/ORACLE

Oracle connection using secret manager

The following settings illustrate how to configure Oracle database connection using AWS Secret Manager

[Database - cnxOracle]

This configuration section defines:

  • Database type is set to ORACLE
  • AWS Secret Manager with the name oracle-test is utilized to retrieve database information and establish the database connection
  • Oracle database driver path is located at ../drivers/ORACLE

Oracle connection using database connection URL

The following settings illustrate how to configure Oracle database connection using connection url

[Database - cnxOracle]

This configuration section defines:

  • Database type is set to ORACLE
  • Database name is set to DatabaseTest
  • Custom JDBC connection string, which includes:
    • The database type
    • Username and password (Username/Password)
    • Host (localhost)
    • Port (1521)
    • Database name (DatabaseTest)
  • Oracle database driver path is located at ../drivers/ORACLE