
What is the format of the configuration file for an AWS Blu Age Data Migrator project?

The INI format

Which types of input data can be used by the AWS Blu Age Data Migrator?


Which database driver versions are compatible with the AWS Blu Age Data Migrator?

Compatible database drivers:

  • MSSQL: 12.6.0.jre11
  • POSTGRESQL: 42.6.2

These jars are available through the links below. 


Note: Unzip the downloaded and find mssql-jdbc-12.6.0.jre11.jar under the enu > jars folder.



Where we need to put the driver files to configure the AWS Blu Age Data Migrator?

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a folder 'drivers' in your migration project root folder, i.e. migrationProjectPath.
  2. Create the folders (MSSQL, ORACLE, POSTGRE) in folder 'drivers'.
  3. Put in each folder the driver corresponding to each database (See driver versions).

How to use path in Docker?

To run the data migrator in the Docker by specifying the SQL Model JSON file or database driver path in the configuration, we need to add to the Docker command: -v pathInComputer:pathInDockerImage                      
And in the configuration file, we need to specify pathInDockerImage as path of sql model json file or database driver.

Docker command will be like this:                   
docker run --rm -v [migrationProjectPath]:/home -v pathInComputer:pathInDockerImage -root /home -configurationIni [configurationFilePath];[stepsConfigurationFilePath]


  • -v: Volumes are the mechanism for persisting data generated and used by Docker containers
  • pathInComputer: Path of the SQL Model JSON file or database driver in the System/computer
  • pathInDockerImage: Path of the SQL Model JSON file or database driver in Docker image
  • migrationProjectPath: Absolute path to your migration project
  • configurationFilePath: Relative path to your migration configuration file
  • stepsConfigurationFilePath: Relative path to your migration steps configuration file

How to use database DNS name or IP address in Docker?

Use 'host.docker.internal' as the value for the dataBaseHost and properties in your file if your database is installed on the server where you are running Docker.

How to add Oracle Service Name information to the secret in the AWS Secret Manager ?

By default, AWS Secret Manager doesn't provide a field to store the Oracle Service Name. Hence, with the help of edit option, add a row with key as 'dbservicename' and provides the corresponding value.

How can I create a custom PostgreSQL database using the AWS Blu Age Data Migrator?

Create a SQL file with custom database creation statement. Get the absolute or relative path of the file and give it as input for the parameter stepDatabaseCreateScriptPath


  1. This parameter takes into consideration only if the value of the property stepDatabaseKillDropCreate as true.
  2. This script is not limited to database creation. Hence, it's responsibility of the user to provide the proper statements in a SQL file.

How to install BCP Utility for MSSQL loading data?

The installation guide is available here.

How can I insert low-level data in postgreSQL database?

For CHAR and VARCHAR column, it consists in transposing the control characters from the EBCDIC page code to a UTF-8 compatible page code containing 256 non-confusing characters.    
These characters are transposed to the Latin Extended-B page + the first 3 lines of the International Phonetic Alphabet page. The Latin Extended-B page starts with the character LATIN SMALL LETTER B WITH STROKE, unicode point code 0180. The EBCDIC control characters are (in general for all EBCDIC page codes) on the first 16 * 4 characters + the last character.    
The first character is LOW-VALUE, the last is HIGH-VALUE.



The program inserts LOW-VALUE, 0-byte is converted to 0x180, the ƀ character is inserted into database.    
The program reads the ƀ character, 0x180 is converted to 0-byte, the program gets 0-byte.

How to Handle specific added technical columns?

When you try to load data coming from PF files in AS400 context, Analyzer tool add technical columns to each table scripts. However those additional data are not contained in data file provided by customer, so the Data Migrator provides a mechanism to add artificially those missing data in Data loading step.        
The tool try to reach out the file into the targeted input folder. If the file is found, it is considered. He should looks like this :


To each inserted row, the tool will add those column values.     
To prevent to add a new entry in this file for each new table (PF), the defaultFixedValues property exists for a loading step.

In most case, customer data comes from a unique Datafile and the sample describe above is enough.     
In business term, it allows to load different DataFiles (AS400 data) by managing specific partitions for them.

This property will be used for each table that do not appear in the files.     
The fixed values can still be overridden for a particular table if needed using the file.     
When defining the Fixed values, you can use the special keywords: FOLDER and FILENAME that will help populating the srcfile and member column.



FOLDER and FILENAME will be evaluated for each file being processed in the data folder.

Meaning of the special keywords:

FOLDER: last folder in the path of the file, without the separators     
Example: C:\migration\data\DataFIles\PKTTYP\FILE1.txt => FOLDER = PKTTYP     
FILENAME: Data file name, without the extension     
Example: C:\migration\data\DataFIles\PKTTYP\FILE1.txt => FILENAME = FILE1

How to Solve Operating Trouble in PostgreSQL?

The engine performs a full scan rather than using defined indexed for plan execution. You have to add an ANALYZE command in a SQL script, in a last step that enables to update PostgreSQL statistics to help determine the most efficient execution plans for queries.