QDDS Conversion Step


Data Migrator supports two data loading modes: CSV and EBCDIC files. To migrate QDDS data types, a preliminary step is necessary to transform them into EBCDIC format before migration. This transformation is the purpose of this step.


Property nameDescriptionValuesDefault valueMandatory
input.folderThe data conversion input folderStringNoneYes
output.folderThe data conversion output folderStringNoneYes
enableWhether the step is enabledtrue/falsetrueNo
encodingEncoding to considerer when reading filesStringValue of property defined in global stepNo
ignoreLogicallyDeletedRecordsTo ignore a record (row) which is marked logically as deletedtrue/falsefalseNo
multithreadNumber of threads to use for parallel stepsIntegerValue of property defined in global stepNo


The following setting illustrates the configuration settings for the QDDS conversion step

[ConvertQDDS - Conversion1]

This configuration section specifies:

  • CP037 encodes the characters when reading input files
  • data/inputs serves as the source directory for files awaiting conversion
  • data/DataFiles serves as the target directory to store the converted data