Application Entrypoints

Application Entrypoints are the parent elements of the codebase’s smallest self-sufficient subparts, allowing us to virtually divide the codebase in smaller and easily testable application units. 
Each entrypoint is the tip of the iceberg for a feature, module, application, batch or  screen scenario. As such, they are a central element in a modernization journey.

When you launch an Application Entrypoints analysis, a Label will be used to mark the files and nodes detected by the task, which will let you then process them in following work.

The algorithm makes use of the file type to apply a set of precise rules and provides meaningful results. Handled elements are:

  • JCL jobs
  • CICS transactions
  • DB2 stored procedures
  • COBOL z/OS and PL1 programs
  • COBOL 400 and RPG 400 / RPG-ILE programs (with a distinction between batch and online)
  • CL programs
  • MNUCMD files

Launch an Application Entrypoints analysis

In Dependencies, click on the "..." menu and select "Launch" under Application Entrypoints.


Select the label to apply to the detected nodes.


After the process is done, you can see the labelized files by going to the Management page / Labels tab.