Code transformation

Generative AI powered code transformation extends the capabilities of AWS Blu Age transformation engines from languages like REXX, C, and Easytrieve to Java. The full list of supported languages can be found here.

AWS Blu Insights automates the code transformation process using the Transformation Center. To get started using it, refer to Create a project.

Lines transformed with Generative AI follow the same pricing models as those transformed with AWS Blu Age transformation engines. For more information, refer to Billing and Usage.

When you run launch a run with the Generate action, Blu Insights automatically detects selected files with languages supported for generative AI code transformation, and transforms them accordingly.

Once the run is done, files generated with AI will be marked with a ✨ (sparkles) icon and be in a Pending review status. Selecting these files will display the “Review AI outputs” option.


The “Review AI outputs” option allows reviewing the AI generated Java code. It offers a side-by-side view of the original legacy code, and the modernized generated Java code. The user can select the files for which they want to accept the generation.


For files that are opened on the review, accepting them sets their status to Success, otherwise their status is set to Ignored. Files that are not opened on the review keep their Pending review status, indicating that they have not yet been reviewed by a human.
