
The Impacts module lists all the workpackages, statuses, labels, members and test scenarios of the reference project that were impacted by the detected changes.

  • “Workpackages” contains all the reference project workpackages that have at least one file that was modified or deleted in the latest project.
  • “Test Scenarios” contains all the reference project test scenarios that have at least one common workpackage with a file that was modified or deleted in the latest project.
  • “Status” contains all the reference project statuses that have at least one file that was modified or deleted in the latest project.
  • “Labels” contains all the reference project labels that have at least one file that was modified or deleted in the latest project.
  • “Members” contains all the reference project members who were assigned at least one file that was modified or deleted in the latest project.

In all tabs, we also show the files that are impacting the different workpackages, statuses, labels, members or test scenarios.