The Refactoring Toolkit facilitates the refinement of artifacts produced during the Transform action, ensuring they are prepared for the subsequent Generate action. Its primary purpose is to enable seamless access to transformed files and to automate their modification, offering multiple advantages, such as:
Refactoring Toolkit includes essential Maven dependencies for accessing its API (Application Programming Interface) features. These dependencies comprising JAR (Java Archive) plugins and associated POM (Project Object Model) files are distributed with each build of AWS Blu Age Transformation Engines. The required plugins are available within the AWS Blu Age Toolbox.
The following schema illustrates where the Refactor action operates within the transformation lifecycle.
First, the Transform action converts legacy code into intermediate model artifacts such as DS/STM files and textual artifacts such JSON files. The Refactoring action then takes over, performing automated optimizations on these artifacts while applying project-specific rules and necessary patches. Finally, the Generate action processes these refined artifacts to produce deployment-ready target code.
Each action builds on the results of the previous one, following a seamless flow from Transform → Refactor → Generate, culminating in fully transformed and optimized code.